Collision Repair near Middleton, WI

Located thirty minutes away, in New Glarus, you can easily drive or tow your car from Middleton to our collision repair service center. Once you bring in your vehicle, our experts will give a repair estimate within fifteen minutes! Upon receiving your estimate, we can schedule the soonest and most convenient time for your vehicle to get serviced.

At Wrecktify, we understand the value of transparency. As a result, our body shop manager will guide you through the entire repair process and ensure that you are always notified of any and all work being done to your vehicle. Additionally, we will provide regular updates in addition to a final contact once all repairs are finalized.

If we find that the repairs on your are taking longer than anticipated, our manager will create an account on our customer online portal for you to check the status at any time, view progress images, and locate any pertinent documentation to your repair on an as-needed basis.

Business Info & Hours

207 Hoesly Dr, New Glarus, WI 53574
(608) 527-2246

Shop Hours

Monday – Friday: 8:00AM – 5:00PM
Weekends: Closed

Auto Body & Collision Repair

Collision Repair Services Covered by Insurance

At Wrecktify, we will work with ALL insurance companies. However, some insurance companies may try directing you to a location of their choice. In the state of Wisconsin, it is your right as an insured motorist to choose the repair facility.

Once you have notified your insurance company of the repair need, they will issue you a claim number. Please bring your claim number when you bring your vehicle in for an estimate. This will help us get your repair started as soon as possible.

Collision Repair with Rental Cars

Did you know that Wrecktify has an agreement in place with Hertz to help make travel arrangements for you? Should you need a rental car while your vehicle is being repaired, we can have a rental car delivered to your home, office, or at the Wrecktify shop for your convenience. Please contact your insurance provider to inquire about your auto policy’s specific coverage regarding rental cars.


If you are in the greater Middleton area and need of collision repair services,  Wrecktify Collision and Restoration can help! Our experts will work with both you and your insurance providers to examine your car. Then, we can assess your vehicle’s current condition and determine the total cost of collision repair, with or without insurance!

Is your car a classic, prized possession? We also offer classic car restoration so your “first love” can be restored to its original glory.

Please  contact us  if you need help starting a stored car, want to explore our restoration services, or if you are wondering which collision repairs your vehicle needs. We look forward to getting your vehicle back on the road.

Contact Wrecktify Collision Today!

At Wrecktify Collision and Restoration, we take pride in providing top-notch services to our customers. Whether you need collision repair, auto detailing, or auto restoration, our team of experts is here to help you. Don’t hesitate to contact us today to schedule an appointment or to learn more about our services. Let us help you get back on the road safely and with a car that looks and performs like new!

New Glarus Contact Form

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